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APC 蝶閥-EtherCAT 通訊界面設置
1. 閥
2. 處理室
3. 進氣口
4. 壓力傳感器
5. 傳感器線
6. 控制器和執行器
7. 連接遙控控制器
8. 連接電源線
9. 真空泵
>> SEMI - 半導體
>> FPD - 光電面板
>> CVD - 化學氣相沉積
>> Solar - 太陽能

>> 非常快速準確的壓力控制
>> 閥門位置控制
>> 備用電源:有,用於停電時關閉閥門。
>> 傳感器電源:24V DC 和±15V DC 均有
>> 2 個線性傳感器或模擬線性物理量的輸入
>> 環境溫度:≤ 70°C max.(控制器部分-24HR)
>> 遠端控制(供客戶選擇)
>> 閥門可由主機(本地控制)通過RS232控制; 用於初始調整
>> 狀態和位置以綠色4位亮數字顯示
Model |
Connection |
Connection Type |
Power |
Power input |
DB-9 male |
Sensor |
Sensor input/ |
DB-15 female |
Interface |
RJ45 standard |
Service |
APC service |
Mini USB female |
Monitor |
Show status |
Green LED display |
Run LED |
Show EtherCAT Well |
Green LED |
Show EtherCAT Error |
Red LED |
APC 軟體功能
- 設定控制調整參數:GAIN
- 壓力和位置控制模式
- 附表測試模式=> 1 cycle schedule
- 設置閥打開/關閉速度
- 記錄APC HW/SW 版本, 序列號和型號
- 記錄閥門循環和運行時間
- 設置公差範圍的壓力
- 循環壽命和壓力控制記錄
- 控制器參數上傳和下載
- 斷電保護功能
- 壓力學習功能

Valve unit |
Material |
Body |
304S.S. (*1) |
Plate |
304S.S. (*1) |
Shaft |
304S.S. |
Gate seal |
Viton |
Shaft seal |
Viton |
Flange |
Mounting position |
Any |
Cycles until first service |
Closing / Opening |
250,000 cycles |
Pressure Control |
2,000,000 cycles (*2) |
Helium leak rate At 1 atm differential |
< 1 x 10-9 mbar.l/sec |
Pressure range |
1 x 10-8 mbar to 1.2 bar |
Operating temperature |
Body |
10°C to 110°C |
Actuator | Step Motor | |
Standard accessories |
RJ45 standard CAT5, CAT6, Not crossover. |

(*1) Body and Plate material can choose aluminum alloy.
(*2) The Cycle life of valve is apply to room temperature 25°C and clean environment, and the opening action apply to be less than 10 mbar pressure difference. (If the opening action exceeds the pressure difference of 10 mbar, it is not covered by this guarantee.)
(*3) If there is particle issue in the working condition of the valve , please clean the valve plate and body regularly and apply some vacuum grease on these parts.
Control and actuating unit |
Input voltage |
+24 VDC (±10%) |
connector: POWER |
Power consumption |
100W max. (Controller + Motor + Sensor + Power Failure) |
connector: POWER |
Sensor power supply output |
+24 VDC /+-15VDC,500 mA |
connector: SENSOR |
Analog input |
Q’ty of sensors |
Independent 2 channel |
connector: SENSOR |
Input voltage |
0-10V DC linear Physical quantity |
connector: SENSOR |
Resolution |
12bit |
2.3 mV |
connector: SENSOR |
24bit |
0.5 mV |
Sampling rate |
1 msec |
connector: SENSOR |
Input resistance |
Ri = 21 kΩ |
connector: SENSOR |
Controller |
≤ 70°C -24HR |
Control accuracy |
0.1% of maximum sensor range |
Backup power |
Yes |
KF25,KF40,KF50,CF35 |
Closing time |
<0.85sec |
Opening time |
<0.85sec |
Valve max. torque |
50kg-cm |
Position resolution |
8000 (steps 0-90 rotation) |
ISO63, ISO80, ISO100, CF63, CF100 |
Closing time |
<0.85sec |
Opening time |
<0.85sec |
Valve max. torque |
50kg-cm |
Position resolution |
8000 (steps 0-90 rotation) |
ISO160, CF150 |
Closing time |
<3.5sec |
Opening time |
<3.5sec |
Valve max. torque |
90kg-cm |
Position resolution |
2400 (steps 0-90 rotation) |
真空蝶閥(Vacuum Butterfly Valve)的功能通常是阻絕或是調節流量, 其關閉的機構主要為一個圓型片, 操作的方式旋轉閥軸杆同時帶動圓型碟片轉動來做啟閉, 可以快速的開啟或關閉, 蝶閥受到歡迎的主要原因是重量比較輕, 就不需要太多的支撐。
Htc日揚真空提供許多種真空蝶閥具備蝶閥本體與控制器, 特色為具備蝶閥開合度調節真空壓力, 使用壽命長, 高品質以及高效能, 由於堅固的機構設計可以數年連續使用閥門而無須維修. 蝶閥閥門驅動的方式有手動, 氣動和馬達帶動等不同方式, 客戶可以視實際的應用來選購適合的蝶閥。
有一個特別注意事項就是當蝶閥閥門全開後, 若見到圓型片是突出於閥體之外時, 此圓形片有可能會與連接在蝶閥兩端的管子內部表面干涉, 故建議使用者在安裝之前先確認欲安裝的管子內徑是否符合蝶閥型錄規格表中的最小尺寸。